Haringey Young Musicians, The School House, Inderwick Road, London N8 9JU
Tel: 020 8489 8960 | Email HMS@Haringey.gov.uk | Twitter @HaringeyYMusic
Parents / Carers
Support your children gain new skills and be with link minded musicians.
Please take a look at our musical provision which aims to give our young musicians excellent performance and composition experiences.
Our offer includes:
- Individual and small group teaching
- Haringey Young Musicians – after school ensembles including regular National & International music tours
- Clearly-defined pathways for musical progression
- Instrumental & vocal workshops
- Community music making
- Arts Award & Arts Mark support / delivery
- Holiday music courses and fun days
- Family music/learning (in partnership with adult learning)
- Music Therapy referrals
- SEND provision
- Visiting guest conductors
- Instrument Hire Scheme – subsidised for Free School Meals Children
- Assisted instrument purchase
- Access to large scale ‘massed’ performances in high-profile venues such as The Royal Albert Hall, Royal Festival Hall, Wigmore Hall and Alexandra Palace
- Music examinations every term- ABRSM & Trinity open to any child learning an instrument in Haringey
- Fee reductions for families on low income
To find out more, please click below and complete the form on Haringey Council’s website.